Thursday, March 15



move mountains.
stop the rivers.

end existance...

i'm waiting.

Monday, March 12


Just a fun little story I wrote for school...

It was New Year’s Eve. Will was supposed to be sleeping, but it was only half an hour after midnight and he couldn’t fall asleep, he was so excited. As he was watching the snow fall outside of his window. It was the mystically, gravity-deifying snow. Each flake was bigger then the next, yet still never falling to the ground. Will figured visibility was only a few feet, as he could only barely see the great pine tree standing right outside his window. As he was thinking about this, he realized something strange was happening to the tree. It looked like a little stream of smoke coming out of one of the tiny little holes made by wood peckers. And there, just inside, he could see a faint light. It went out, but he could still just see the smoke. A few seconds later, the light appeared again.
Will watched this light constantly blinking for about an hour. Finally, the snow started to let up. Soon, he could tell for sure that it was a fire in the tree. But, why would there be a tiny, controlled fire in the tree? The answer to that would have to wait, at least for Will. For it was now very late, and he was indeed tired. The next day, he decided to climb the tree to explore that little hole a little more.

“Oh I hate it when the tree sways like this,” said Jane “it always makes me sick”
“Yes, I know dear,” replied her father, Garrison, “but there’s not much we can do about it now, is there?”
Zeus put a few more logs on the fire, soon, the fire was billowing again. Within a few hours, the snow stopped.
“Alright chillins, time for bed,” said Jane’s mother, Martha, “It’s been a late night with the snow and all, come along now.”
The next day, Martha woke up bright and cheery-eyed. She was the first one up, though it was already ten o’clock. As she was making breakfast, she felt the tree start to shake. However, she thought it was just the wind. Soon enough though, the house went dark. She turned around to see what blocked the light.
There, covering the entire doorway was and eye, a nose and half of an ear. Instinctively, Jane grabbed the few pots and pans within reach and started beating the thing.
“Ow! Hey, Stop it,” Will had climbed the tree and was feeling and strange painful sensation on his upper cheek, “Hey, cut that out!” He pulled his face away from the hole and let a little light in. There, inside, was the most peculiar thing he had ever seen, a tiny human being. She was only about four inches tall. She had a pine needle skirt with a maple leaf sewed together to fit like a shirt. She had birch bark sandals.
Will was love struck. “H-h-h-hi”
Then the thought occurred to Will that she might not speak English, she might not even speak at all. “Do you speak English?”
“Y-y-yes. Please, don’t hurt us.”
“Now, why on earth would I do that? There’s more of you?”
“Yes, my father, mother, brother and I.”
Will was so amazed by this, he almost let go of the tree and fell. “Why are you guys so small?” the thought occurred to him that they had to have gone through some unnatural process to become so small.
“Well, it’s quite a long story, can you hold on to the tree for a while longer?”
“Hmm… I don’t think so, but I have a better idea, can you meet me up on that branch?”
“Yeah, sure, I’ll be right there.” So Jane wrote a little note and stuck it on the kitchen table. Then she scampered up the tree and sat down on the branch. Will still had a ways to climb yet, so she waited and laughed at his foolish and fatal attempts to make it up the tree. However, soon enough, he reached the branch, positioned himself in a nice comfy seat, picked up Jane in his hand and let her talk.
“Okay, hmm… where should I start?” said Jane as she was making herself comfortable in Will’s hand, “I suppose at the beginning.”
“Yes, that would be good.”
“Well, the shrinkas, that is, us smaller folk, have been around, well just about as long as you larger folk have been. However, we haven’t always been this small. In fact, it’s very possible that you and I could have the same distant ancestors. You see, it all happened around the European Renaissance, well maybe a little bit before, when there was the big hub-bub about witches and what not. My ancestors were a happy family, actually, one of my distant uncles was a lord. In fact, it’s because of him that we are small. You see, one of his subjects just so happened to be a real witch. He discovered this and had her burned at the stake. However, just before she was killed, she uttered something in some peculiar language and then said ‘Let you and your family forever be cursed!’ The next day when my the lord woke up, he was lost in his bed covers. Low and behold, he and his entire family were only five inches tall!
“Now, he was very worried about this and had one of his advisors do some research on what the witch had said. It turns out that the witched had set a spell on the lord that he and his family shall grow no larger then five inches tall. That is unless one of the witches ancestors undoes the spell.
“The funny thing is, obviously the witch meant us all great harm when she set this curse, but actually, it’s quite the opposite.”
“How so?” Will was surprised he said anything, he was so entranced by Jane’s story, and something else that was on his mind.
“Well, you see, one of my ancestors actually worked with Benjamin Franklin. I’m sure you’ve heard of bifocals?”
“Well, that’s thanks to my ancestor. You see, one day when Benjamin was working in his shop, he accidentally dropped his glasses, cracking both lenses. Then, only a few moments later, he sat on his reading glasses. My ancestor, Marvin, knew of the troubles Ben was having with having to switch back and forth between the two glasses. So, he took the bottom half of the reading lens and fit in with the top half of the other lens, all inside on frame. It was genius. Of course, Benjamin Franklin couldn’t give any credit to him because who would believe a tiny man could come up with such a revolution?
“And that’s not all! Then there was Jimmy. His story is even more impressing. Why, without him, we wouldn’t have the light bulb today!”
“What, I though Thomas Edison invented the light bulb,” Will was so astonished that he didn’t believe her at first.
“Ah, but you also though Benjamin invented bifocals.”
“You see, Thomas’s hands were a little to big to get the tiny wires connected inside the bulb. He had been trying for days, but nothing was working. Finally Jimmy stepped up one night when Thomas was sleeping. Jimmy crept into the workshop, this wasn’t a hard task however, and found the latest light bulb. With his tiny hands, he was able to connect the wires. The next day Thomas was astounded as to what happened. Soon enough, he figured out it was Jimmy. And so, it was Jimmy and his children, and there children the made the first light bulbs, that is until machines were built that were more efficient.”
“Wow, what a history.” Will was amazed at how much these little people had accomplished. He wanted just to stay there sitting on the branch all day, with little Jane sitting in his hand. Her soothing melodic voice telling about more and more accomplishments. He could feel her tiny little legs moving on his hand, they just slightly tickled him. He wanted so much just to take her home with him. But, he couldn’t. She had a family that she belonged to. Then, Will had a thought, “Tell me, say a full size human being were to marry one of you… what was it, Shrankas?”
“Ah, yes, Shrinkas, so, would the Shrinka become full size, or would the full size human become a Shrinka?”
“Hmm… you know that reminds me of another story.”
“Yes?” Will was eager to hear more.
“Well, you know the mystery of Amelia Airheart?”
“Yeah, she was flying around the world and the disappeared.”
“Yes, do you want to know what really happened?”
“Of course!” Will was wondering how on earth the Shrinkas could have anything to do with Amelia Airheart. And, it meant Jane sitting cross-legged on his hand, telling more stories, so he was especially eager to hear.
“Well, she had a flying buddy, his name was Eric. He was a Shrinka, so, of course know one new about him. Well, she had him with her on the flight around the world. In mid-flight, he pulled out a ring, and asked her to marry him. And, she said yes. However, they were both unaware that once she said yes, she would turn into a Shrinka. So, obviously she was turned into a Shrinka and was unable to control the plane. Thus, the plane gained to much altitude, and burned up in the atmosphere.”
“Wow, that’s incredible, the true story of Amelia Airheart.” Will was so engrossed in the story that he nearly dropped Jane.
“Will! I’m falling!!” She grabbed onto his thumb, and barely caught herself.
“Oh, sorry, I almost forgot you weren’t attached to my hand. So, let me get this straight, the only way for you to become full size again, would be in an ancestor of the which uncursed you. And the only way for a full size human to become a Shrinka, would be to marry one of you?”

to be continued... as soon as i finish it