Tuesday, October 17

One of the things wrong with the world.

The difficulties of the world, such a disapointment that society can't come together and fix a few minor problems here and there to make the world a better place. For instance, why can't parents put in a little extra effort here and there to teach there kids to be considerate of others. Now, I realize that often times, it isn't the parents teaching kids a disrespect of moral values like this, but actually society. So, I guess my real question is why can't society work together a little bit to teach our kids a little respect for others.
There is a Junior at my school, both her and I are activists, the Levy Refferendum in our town is on the verge of failing, for the fifth time. If it fails this time all sports, and other extra curricular activities will be cut, class sizes will be increased to 40+ plus students, and there will me minimal AP and Honor classes. So, of course, there is a campiegn to get people to vote yes. On the student side of things, we started a student group. This girl is the president (of course), I the vice president. Now, this girl is not very informative, or helpful. If I find out about any important events I should attend, she's the last person I'll hear from. She also has a tendancy to cut me off from doing anything worth doing toward getting the refferendum to pass. For instance, just today, there was a meeting for students to attend to dealing with doorknocking. Now, I and my friend helped organize this. The before said girl was going to get a bunch of people to come (along with my friend and I). And, of course, the girl didn't even show up herself. Now, I have come to realize that she only does things to get her name in the paper, or raconized by many people.
It also sadens me that out of the sixty or seveny people my friend and I personally spoke to, only eight came to this meeting. And those eight came directly form football practice becuase there coach said the entire team should go (of course not even half the team showed up).

Now, my theory is that society were perhaps a little nicer, maybe, just maybe things like this would have better outcomes.
And so, If you read this (which you obviously have) I am asking you to be a little nicer to the youngens, they are the people of tomorrow, and how you act around them today will infuence the rest of their life.

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