Wednesday, December 13

Interesting Rambling

Inspired by "Sophie's World" by Jostein Gaarder
Within the first few pages, I found possible the greatest philosphical question I have and or will ever hear. Who are you. This brings up the questions, What are you. What are we. Who are we. Hardly anwerable questions. Sure the straight and easy answer is obvious, we are humans, people living on earth. But why does earth exsist? Was it God that put it there, did God make the universe and all of space too? How did God come to existance, what is existance? Why did God chose the earth? Wouldn't it be cool if instead, God created a six or more dimensional universe, a spec, being the first demension. Then, a line, the spec extended horizontally, the second demension. Then, the line can turn, vertically, thus, no longer a spec, but a hoprizontal and vertical line, with the ablility to make a square. The third demension. Now, the spec can turn away from being horizontal and vertical, thus, adding what we call the third demension and has no other name of which I can think of. Now, the spec has been transformed into a cube. It is also important to realize the the line isn't limited only to straight horizontal and vertical, but at angles, thus something like a trianle, or a sphere even. The forth demension. The fifth demension here is time, so now, the spec, line, and cube can not only for one singal instance in time, (no begging, or end of existance) but can now exist for ever, or only a short period of time. Now, are you ready for this? The sixth demension is hardly imaginable for me, and most likly most other people. Now that you have time, the existance of an object for an a spacific period of time, you can go on to figure that just like with the spec, no time (similar to the first demension with just the spec.) with the sixth demension turns the spec of time into a line of time. So, now you can figure out what's next, the line of time, or time line, now becomes a vertical and horizontal time line, what this means, I'm not sure of, but becuase of the reapeting nature of science, it is quite possible. And then then becomes three demensionable. Now, is this a type of world we live in, and just don't realize it? Why could this world be like this, and again, Who are you, Who are we. What are we.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

like a parrellel universe?