Monday, October 30

The differance

It's interesting how life in Rochester is so incredibly differant from rural areas. It's hard to say what makes them differant, well, not really, but... probably that fact that in urban areas, you get more diversity and culture. Thus, most people are more open, becuase if you aren't, you'll have about five friends. However, in the rural areas, people are much closer, alot of them are family... everybody tpyically does the same type stuff. So, when I, who spent a good part of my life growing up in Rochester, got moved out to the rurals, it was a slight culture shock. Sure, we all speak the same language and what not, and you would think that there wouldn't be a significant change in culture... Well, there was. Yes, people here are just as open as many people in Rochester, but up here, their not quite as used to it. Once you get to know them, the people up here, I think, make better friends the in Rochester. However, it balances back out, it seems to me, becuase although their all great friends, and people, the society up here tends to lean a little more on the anti-normal then in Rochester. For instance, up here, most people hunt... I don't so, naturally, it's "Hey, did you get a deer over the weekend, oh yeah, I forgot, you don't even own a gun..."
Now, I realize, that the same thing would probably happen in Rochester, if most of the people did something the same. But, in a diverse world, that just doesn't happen. Yeah, sure the north woods are great, long bland winters, beautiful fall and springs, exciting summers (only in short doeses), you can expect the same thing this year as last year... I can manage, though their is one thing that is nawing at the back of my head, non-stop... I don't belong here... I can live here, but I don't belong. Not here, sucluded the world, with the only the culture of the norm. to grasp...


Anonymous said...

this is true. but at norpine you're also much closer to the land, you produce more of the food you eat, and you're in nature's playground! i worry that with urbanization we become more and more alienated from our earth.
maybe you should read more books.

Anonymous said...

haha what i meant to say was, maybe since you have less to do in pr you could read more books, there are so many good ones out there. then we could discuss them.

Kris said...

did you change this post? i don't remember reading it before?
