Wednesday, February 21

the power

The power of God… the ability to capture all that is true, and spill out it’s essence at one point in time in one specific place. Brilliant.
If you have ever lived, you know exactly what I mean.
I was at home late, just my foreign ex-change student and I. My dad called to remind to me to refill our woodstove. When I went outside, to lazy to put on a jacket, just my sweatshirt, wind pants, and my crocs, it was dark. One of those moonless nights, but you can still see by the stars… and the house lights. There’s not much snow on the ground, and even less in the air, about as little as you can have, but still say it’s snowing. The wind was nipping, a hard, fierce wind. I looked up. I wanted to run, the power of God within me. I was nearly ready to set off running, for miles. To spend the night, in the open air, perhaps stop at a friend’s house, who doesn’t go to church, or experience life to the fullest.
I started singing. I don’t know what I said, probably some random words that rhymed.
It took all my will to hold my person, and go back inside. It took all my will to deny God, so that another person will not be lost. Is that what God wanted me to do… I think so.

Saturday, February 17

I don't beleave in Culture

Or rather, I don't beleave in the steryotype that the term "culture" puts on people. For instance, if you met someone from Germany, and learned the types of things that they do, you would probably put those traits with the term "German Culture". However, just like in the actual world, everybody is completly differant, so are the people in Germany. So, by applying the term "Culture" to what you have learned, you have only gained an inacurate interpitation of what most Germans are like.

now, did u follow that?

Friday, February 16


It’s one of those nights again. The kind when you know you’re not going to get an once of sleep, but you end up getting 6 hours anyways. When you can stare at your thumb and wonder what your skeleton will look like when you die.
If my life were to be philsophisized, I wouldn’t recognize it.
It’s one of those times when you talked to someone about whatever, and you know that it’s going to be unenviable that your going to talk to them tomorrow, and that they’re going to act totally different than you think, in a good way… but anyhow, you don’t ponder the situation. And so, you’re left to think about what you should be thinking about, and why you should be thinking about that. And then why shouldn’t you be thinking about something else, because you’ve already thought about that enough.
I’m not even trying to go to sleep.
It’s one of those times when you want to express yourself through your ideas by writing them down, but you don’t know what of yourself to express, or, how to do it.. and so you think, well, maybe playing some music will work just as well… but, oh wait, it’s after midnight, and sometimes people DO sleep. WHO WANTS TO GO CAMPING??
I’m ready for one of those times when you think you know what reality is, and what the generic person would do… but then you find out that know one is generic, and the reality is that there is no reality, and a lot of people know exactly what you mean, and even though you just met them it’s like BAM, connection.
That’s when you know that you’re going to see them again, even if it was a once in a lifetime event. And sure enough, at your next trip down to society, there they are, on they’re way back.
Yeah, I love those moments. It makes you realize that there are so many different people in the world, and then it makes you just WANT TO MEET THEM ALL.
You kinda wonder why it is only possible for you to know so few people.
GA!! Not again, random rambling. I don’t like it. It says to much about me. To much of it changes five seconds after I write it. It tells people lies. GET IT AWAY FROM ME!
All wrapped up in a bottle, ready to be shoved into the sea. Only to wait for someone to find it, read the message and forget about it.
There is so much wrong with the world, then again, it wouldn’t be the world without it. It makes life interesting.
What are you doing here, go get some people and jump!!

There are three types of people in the world. Those who don’t want to die. Those who want to die. And those who want to make life interesting.
~Someone I once new, feel like I do know, and will meet in my future.

Monday, February 5

okay guys, get this

God is what you beleave God is.

If you don't beleave God will do something, God won't. However, if you DO beleave God will do somthing, God will.

What you beleave God is, God is.

and remeber God is "the great I AM!"
~ the bible.

alright, so you're all like, well yeah, duh. right? end of story...?


it goes far beyond that. if God is what you beleave God is, doesn't that mean that a Catholic could have completely differant views about God then a, say United Methodist, yet, both are true enough. A Chrisitan and a Jew, Muslim and a Buddist (pardon my spelling), were all right...

IS THAT NOT EXCITING?!?!? no more religious wars!!

lets go out and serve each other now.... okay, who wants to go and bring a homeless person into their home, despite his/her religious differances? HECK YES!!

Sunday, February 4


Not again.

My life is repeating itself.
It’s happened before. Now, I’m more involved, it’s a greater contrast.
It’s the difference between what life can be and what it is.

People say, life is what you make it. You are who you wanna be. Heck, I say that.


Life is what you make it.
It would seem as though the creative natured people would have a much more interesting life then those non-creative natured people. I suppose this is true. So, people say I am creative. Why then can I not make my life what I desire it to be? Because, life is what you make it, within the limitations of the society you are in. Which, in my case, seems to be fairly limiting. I finally get a good chance to experience a little bit of the type of society that my desirable life needs to thrive, and it’s over. It starts the beginning of the north woods black hole.

The north woods black hole.

The north woods black hole.

The north woods black hole

All time and existence enters stops. Everything is the same, there seems to be no meaning. Things happen, the effect… nothing. Every weekday, I wake up, the same thing happens, I go out and wait for the bus. One day, I miss the bus… I come back and wait. Then, I go to school. The same thing happens. Trimester’s over, and I get a new schedule. The same thing. I’ll go to different classes, experience new things, but not really. It’s really just the same. Then, there’s a spark. A spark of heat in the cold same thing of the north woods black hole. Perhaps a trip into society. Perhaps a visit from society. But soon, it’s gone, not enough to light the fire.
The same thing. I long for that spark, making the wait worse then before. But there’s nothing possible to be done. It’s all the same.

The north woods black hole.

The north woods black hole.

The north woods black hole.

The north woods black hole.
