Wednesday, February 21

the power

The power of God… the ability to capture all that is true, and spill out it’s essence at one point in time in one specific place. Brilliant.
If you have ever lived, you know exactly what I mean.
I was at home late, just my foreign ex-change student and I. My dad called to remind to me to refill our woodstove. When I went outside, to lazy to put on a jacket, just my sweatshirt, wind pants, and my crocs, it was dark. One of those moonless nights, but you can still see by the stars… and the house lights. There’s not much snow on the ground, and even less in the air, about as little as you can have, but still say it’s snowing. The wind was nipping, a hard, fierce wind. I looked up. I wanted to run, the power of God within me. I was nearly ready to set off running, for miles. To spend the night, in the open air, perhaps stop at a friend’s house, who doesn’t go to church, or experience life to the fullest.
I started singing. I don’t know what I said, probably some random words that rhymed.
It took all my will to hold my person, and go back inside. It took all my will to deny God, so that another person will not be lost. Is that what God wanted me to do… I think so.

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