Tuesday, January 30


Chapter One

Next to my house there is a great white pine tree. Now, there are only two negatives about this tree. One is that if the tree ever caught on fire, chances are, our entire house would burn down. The other thing is that on one of the dead branches, there is a V shape stick hanging upside down that always blows in the wind. For years I have been unseccesful in knocking it off. However, I am not quite sure why it is that I must knock of the twig, but it's one of those things that just must be done.
Now, I bet you're wondering why in the world I am talking about a tree, aside from the fact that tree's and the most awesome things on this planet for many reasons worth a 30 page paper to brush the surface of. Well, you see, one day I was admiring the cold on my balcony when I heard this faint sound of laughter above me. I looked up and saw nothing that had any chance of becoming something remotly close to making the sound of laughter. So, I figured it was just in my head. I stood there a little longer and heard nothing more. The next day, I realized that I had left our outdoor Christmas lights on. So, I went out to un-plug them. This time I was positive I heard talking above me. Just as I looked up, a slight breeze came, just enough to rattle the branches of the great white pine, which hangs over my balcony.
Now do you see the connection between this story and the tree?
Now, as I was looking up and the branches were rattleing, it appeard as something was falling from the sky while there was a faint, but growing, simotaneous screaming. 'What is that?' I asked myself. No sooner than I started to think of an answer then...

Monday, January 22

curse you bloody wireless technoology.

Wednesday, January 3

The first Ski of the year

The wondrous feeling returned, and after a year of absence, it was about time. As the swinging metal frame knocked the back of my knees, I sat down, thanked the assistant, though I’m not sure why, I picked it up from my sister when I started, it seemed like most of them appreciate it, so it stuck. As I sat there, swinging thirty-some feet up in the air with nothing to stop me rom falling, aside from the seemingly dangerous, but oddly secure hanging, metal, three-person chair, though only two of us enjoyed the feeling of first-class treatment with the extra space, I couldn’t help but wonder what appealed to me so. For since I went down that first hill, there’s been an irresistible force bringing me to the top of many more, and of course, the only thing to do is fly down them on my wing like skis..
As my skis touch the icy-white snow, I stand up, push off with my poles and gently glide down the small, man made hill, taking me out of harms way of the swinging chair. I glide over to the top of a few runs, take my pick, the only black diamond, and give myself a push. Soon, I put myself into auto-piolet and enjoy the ride. Slowly gaining speed, I set into my first turn. Executed nearly perfectly. Now the second, third, forth. Passing a slower skier, looks to be a young fellow, like myself, only not as experienced with the way the skis pull his body down, and around on the curves, well at same time, giving him the slight fleeing of his body being left behind, while his feet fly down to the bottom. Sixth turn now, a little shaky, due to the powder left by other carving skiers. Nearing the bottom, I tuck my poles tight into my armpits and let gravity do the rest. Now for the finish, I pull out and carve abruptly to the left, spraying snow at least six feet behind me, after turning 180°, I ease up and slide a good four or five feet backwards, right into my place at the chair-lift line, ready to do it all over again.


Life is so Limiting!!!
There is so much failure to reconize differant personalities indiviually and take action to expand horizons!!
This always happens to me every time I go somewhere other then here, in the middle of deprivization USA.
It's not just that I feel limited in school because we practically don't do anything worth spending 7 hours of your day doing, mostly becuase half of my classes are filled with my fellow freshmen that never learned how to learn from a teacher, so we pretty much never get anything worth doing done. Also, in english, we've written ONE essay, a five paragraph essay that takes like 10 minutes to write, and that's about all we've done, aside from read a few random short stories and one novel (which were taking over a month to read, and it's something like 170 pages, pretty easy read). Now, I realize that alot of kids in my class need to go that slow, but I mean hey, come on people, don't make them drag everyone down with them.
Now, I don't know what it is about me, I'm not saying I'm super smart or anything, becuase believe me, I'm not. I think it's just that I (along with a few fellow peers, mostly the ones who transfered in from differant schools, like myself) can actually take information we've been taught and put it to use a year later when writting a paper or something. I totally messed that up, because that's not really what I was trying to say, but I don't know how else to say it, so just look at the big picture with that one, the VERY big picture.
It's kinda wierd to, cause alot of times, if people don't know what grade I'm in, they'll guess like a junior or something, just on how I present myself. I am SOOOO ready to get out of highschool, but sadly I'm only a freshmen, I still got 3 more long, boring pointless years left.
Another thing that I've noticed about myself is that, as I said a while back, it's not just school that I feel limited in, it's pretty much life in general up here. I mean, okay, last year around middle Jan. through, oh, lets see, June, life was really depressing and bland up here, everything was the same. It's as though the person narrarating my life was speaking in a mono-tone... with elevator music in the backround... in a broken elevator with the only hope of getting out being to sit and wait, and talk in mono-tone. But then ocasionally, when we go down to the cities and stuff, it's like the person narrarating my life (likes call him Charles) just finished the first couple ski runs of the day, ready and expecting many more, only to be put back in a broken elevator. And, to make it worse, the longer I stay here, the more this place feels like home, so I only have a limited (another limitation, I'm begining to discover that limitations is what life's about) amount of time before I become permanently limited to nothing. AGHH!!!!!

Well, now that you all know my situation, any suggestions?

Tuesday, January 2

what is?

It’s about 1:50 a.m. Jan. 2nd, my mind is whirring. In the past hour, I’ve finished reading a book for school. Thee best school oriented book that I have read. The ending is the best combination of an open end and secure closer possible, the perfect amount for you to be disappointed and surprised that the story has ended well at the same time be happy for all the characters, and for you to be left wondering why. Why some many things are the way they are, for this book indulges you into most of the “don’t talk abouts” such as abortion and specific areas of religion. Previous to that, I read another chapter in “Sophie’s World” you know, the one I talked about earlier, although I had no clue what I was talking about, the one about the history of Philosophy.
Now, ask yourself what in the world I am going to do, lying in bed, with sleep obviously a few thought processes ahead besides work my way through those multiple thought processes. Exactly. Nothing, well aside from this, which is just away of putting those thoughts into an organized manor hopefully understandable by fellow human beings.
Now, a few minutes ago, I found myself asking my other self, What is life? What is the existence of mankind? What is?... any answers anyone?
Now, I was going to say something here about well, I’ve clean forgotten what it was. You see, I started typing it, right after my question What is being?, but then I realized that it really made no sense at all, and so I erased it and was going to start a new paragraph with it, but in figuring out how to end the before paragraph, I forgot why I was starting a new one. And now, I’ve just taken more of your precious time and thrown it clear out the window, so if you’re planning on doing something important, go do it.
Ah, I now remember what I was going to say in the last paragraph before I forgot it. It was something about how normally things that bring out a certain emotion in you, or a certain feeling usually appear simultaneously in your life. Example, my sister suggested I start reading “Sophie’s World”, about the history of philosophy, while at the same time, in school, we are reading the book “Staying fat for Sarah Byrnes”, which, in my mind, has a fairly philosophical ending, if interpreted in the right way. Now, I probably wouldn’t have interpreted it in the way that I did if I hadn’t also been reading “Sophie’s World” while also attempting to keep tabs with my blog here. Thus with at least these three things that have something to do with philosophy, or at least all involve myself trying to figure out why there is.

Well, I’ve done it again, been unable to sleep, decided to right something down for my blog, then tried to figure out what, and miraculously, have about five or six different thoughts as to what I should say, all in some way linking with each other. So, then as the cycle usually goes, I start writing, attempting to be writing about something that has something to do with at least one of the many things I was before planning to write about, and then as I finish, skim through it and realize that 90% of my material is something like the worst way I could of said it while still getting the point through, although the point has been dulled considerably, but then decide that it is still okay material because even though now that I’m done with it, I can’t figure out how I came up with it, I still know that although it seems like I was half out of my mind when I wrote it, I am now back, fully in my mind because of it, and if I were to write it again, it would probably end up being the same. Normally about this time, I realize I actually am quite tired and go to bed, however, this time it’s not working, so I may either end up writing another page, or I may just read another book, which seems more interesting right now, so I’m out.

News of the Year

Alright guys, although the if you’re reading this, you’re probably stranded somewhere with a Christmas tree that refuses to talk to you, listening to the same CD for the twelfth time in eight hours, despite your secret undying hatred for seemingly innocent, though really mind controlling Christmas songs, in the northern half of some state (or quite possibly providence) that’s in the northern half of which ever country the plane you thought was flying to Springfield, where your family is waiting, landed, and so actually, when I say alright guys, I really mean, wow, your pathetic as I am.
So, it’s New Years, about 1:45 a.m. and apparently my parents stop believing in the magical New Year guy in a shinning tux with sunglasses shaped like which ever year the new year is, wearing a silver, glistening top-hat who comes to wish you a “Happy New Year” as though the old year was so utterly terrible that the only way to forget about it is to think about it so hard that you’ve forgotten what you’re thinking about. Oh, wait, I just got a note from the news room, lets see, hmm… oh, oh dear, it seems I am mistaken, my life has been a lie, for there is no “Magical New Year Guy”. What has the world come to? So, as I was saying, I’m sitting here in my room, because my parents decided, that despite the occasion, I should not be allowed to rome around the house. And, seeing as my bed dislikes me, and wont let me sleep, I thought I’d think up some New Year’s resolutions. So, here goes, however, I must warn you, as embarrassing as it seems, in all of my years of gaining life saving information, I have yet to think up some New Year resolutions and actually intend to think about them an hour after I thought them up.

In the 2007th year since the beginning of the counting of years (was it at Jesus’ birth or crussifiction that they started counting, or was it some twenty odd years after he was crucified when they decided he might have been of some importance to the world that they started keeping track, you never know, you know.) I am going to do the following…

1. Learn to express myself in better ways then speech more effectively.
2. Become less selfish and more... otherish.
3. Discover who and what I am.
4. Find more problems with my personality and fix them.
5. Live a life worthy of being lived by someone who isn’t me in hopes of becoming someone worthy of living my life.
6. Come up with better New Year’s Resolutions next year.

(or so I think)