Tuesday, January 30


Chapter One

Next to my house there is a great white pine tree. Now, there are only two negatives about this tree. One is that if the tree ever caught on fire, chances are, our entire house would burn down. The other thing is that on one of the dead branches, there is a V shape stick hanging upside down that always blows in the wind. For years I have been unseccesful in knocking it off. However, I am not quite sure why it is that I must knock of the twig, but it's one of those things that just must be done.
Now, I bet you're wondering why in the world I am talking about a tree, aside from the fact that tree's and the most awesome things on this planet for many reasons worth a 30 page paper to brush the surface of. Well, you see, one day I was admiring the cold on my balcony when I heard this faint sound of laughter above me. I looked up and saw nothing that had any chance of becoming something remotly close to making the sound of laughter. So, I figured it was just in my head. I stood there a little longer and heard nothing more. The next day, I realized that I had left our outdoor Christmas lights on. So, I went out to un-plug them. This time I was positive I heard talking above me. Just as I looked up, a slight breeze came, just enough to rattle the branches of the great white pine, which hangs over my balcony.
Now do you see the connection between this story and the tree?
Now, as I was looking up and the branches were rattleing, it appeard as something was falling from the sky while there was a faint, but growing, simotaneous screaming. 'What is that?' I asked myself. No sooner than I started to think of an answer then...

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